Helping you understand, create, and characterize nanomaterials
Exploring the path from scientific discovery to the integration of nanostructures into the micro and macro worlds
A U.S. DOE Nanoscale Science Research Center & User Facility
CINT provides open access to highly specialized instrumentation and expertise to a global community of researchers from universities, national laboratories, and industry.
Research Priorities include Microelectronics, Quantum Information Science, Biosecurity, AI/Machine Learning, Advanced Manufacturing, and Energy Innovation.
Save the Date!
CINT's 2025 Annual User Meeting will be held September 16–17 in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. Please visit our "Becoming a User" page for more info in the coming months.
The CINT 2025 Spring Call for User Proposals is open March 1 through March 31
The latest CINT Science
Tailoring Additive Manufacturing to Optimize Dynamic Properties in 316l Stainless Steel
High Radiation Resistance in the Binary W-Ta System Through Small V Additions: A New Paradigm for Nuclear Fusion Materials
Quantum Frequency Combs with Path Identity for Quantum Remote Sensing
Data Generation for Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials and Beyond
Welcome to state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, and world class scientific expertise.
The CINT user community can access research capabilities at the Core Facility in Albuquerque, NM, and the Gateway Facility in Los Alamos, NM, as well as co-located facilities nearby.
CINT offers capabilities in Synthesis and Fabrication, Characterization, and Theory and Simulation, in addition to our signature Discovery Platforms.