Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies

Helping you understand, create, and characterize nanomaterials


Limited in scope with a strong justification for expedited processing


The Rapid Access Proposal process provides a mechanism for prospective users to gain limited access to CINT capabilities in advance of the next available semi-annual Call for User Proposals for time-critical, high-impact research only. In contrast to the regular proposal call, Rapid Access Proposals must be submitted “off-cycle"  — when regular User Proposals are not being accepted. 

Approval of a Rapid Access Proposal is conditional upon passing the feasibility screening, subject to the availability of the requested capability, and at the discretion of CINT management.

If a Rapid Access Proposal is approved, the project automatically expires no later than the start of the next semi-annual proposal cycle.  In order to continue the research initiated under an approved Rapid Access Proposal, users must submit a regular User Proposal for full peer review in the next available, semi-annual User Proposal submission cycle.  Users are encouraged to include relevant results obtained via their Rapid Access Proposal as background information in a regular CINT User Proposal. Rapid Access projects will not be renewed.


Rapid Access Proposals must be submitted on-line through our online Proposal Submission submission system. Rapid Access Proposal are not accepted during an active call for proposals.

Rapid Access Proposal Content

To ensure the Rapid Access Proposal process remains dedicated to high-impact, time-critical research, proposals must include the motivation and background information to establish the urgent need for access to CINT capabilities. A request to conduct preliminary or exploratory research alone is insufficient justification for rapid access.

The remainder of information required for Rapid Access Proposals is exactly the same as a regular proposal submission. Please refer to the proposal guidelines page for details on what your proposal should contain.


Rapid Access Proposals undergo an expedited feasibility screening and technical review. In most cases, a decision is returned to the prospective user within two weeks of application.

If approved, the Rapid Access Project may begin anytime after the CINT User Agreement is executed.  The Rapid Access project ends when the next regular cycle (Spring or Fall) starts.


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