Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies

Helping you understand, create, and characterize nanomaterials

One scientific community focused on nanoscience integration

CINT is home to a vibrant community of scientists, technical specialists, and affiliates.

Our Mission

CINT's distinguishing characteristic is our emphasis on exploring the pathways leading from scientific discovery to the integration of nanostructures into the micro and macro worlds. These pathways involve experimental and theoretical exploration of behavior, development of a wide variety of synthesis and processing approaches, and an understanding of new performance regimes, testing design, and integration of nanoscale materials and structures. Integration is key to exploitation of nanomaterials and the scientific integration challenges are at the heart of CINT’s mission.


Our Outreach

Our outreach activities focus on collaborative opportunities to explore the integration of new nanoscale materials into novel architectures and microsystems. Through our user program, conferences, workshops, and speaking engagements, CINT brings together university faculty, students, other national laboratory scientists, and industrial researchers in pursuit of nanoscience discovery.

Our Vision

Advancing the scientific understanding underlying nanoscale integration through the assembly of diverse materials across multiple length scales, with the ultimate goal of designing and achieving new material properties and functionalities.


Our Future

We look forward to continuing the pursuit of innovative, leading-edge nanotechnology integration through our close partnerships with DOE nanoscience centers, universities, and industrial partners as we explore relationships between nanoscale science and integrated functionality. Of course, next-level science doesn't happen without brilliant and dedicated staff and CINT actively seeks out those researchers ready to tackle tomorrow's global challenges through nanoscience.


CINT is currently updating our staff profile pages. For questions or to contact staff, please send an email to

 Jeffrey Nelson (CORE)
Jeffrey Nelson, CINT Director

Ryan Wixom, Sandia Department Manager  (Core)
Ryan Wixom, Sandia Department Manager

Sandia Department Manager Brian Swartzentruber (Core)
Brian Swartzentruber, Sandia Department Manager

CINT User Program Manager Heather Brown
Heather Brown, User Program Manager

Co-Director Adam Rondinone
Adam Rondinone, CINT Co-Director

MPA-CINT Deputy Group Leader Michael Pettes (Gateway)
Michael Pettes, MPA-CINT Deputy Group Leader

MPA-CINT Deputy Group Leader Ricardo Marti-Arbona (Gateway)
Ricardo Marti-Arbona, MPA-CINT Deputy Group Leader

CINT Communications and Outreach Coordinator Stacy Baker
Stacy Baker, Communications and Outreach Coordinator

CINT Scientists

Our staff is organized by scientific thrust. CINT scientists work with users and also lead original research in nanomaterials integration.

In-Situ Characterization
and Nanomechanics

Nanophotonics and Optical

Soft, Biological, and Composite Nanomaterials

Quantum Materials

Nan Li | Thrust Leader
Rémi Dingreville | Thrust Co-Leader

Brad Boyce
Stephen House
Yongqiang Wang
Ryan Wixom

Jennifer Hollingsworth | Thrust Leader
Igal Brener | Thrust Co-Leader

Alex Cerjan
Chun-Chieh Chang
Hou-Tong Chen
Han Htoon
Sergei Ivanov
Andrew Jones
Sergei Tretiak
Tika Kafle

Dale Huber | Thrust Leader
John Watt | Thrust Co-Leader

Amalie Frischknecht
Gary Grest
Kyungtae Kim
Mihee Kim
Dean Morales
Mark Stevens
Jim Werner

Michael P. Lilly | Thrust Leader
Jinkyoung Yoo | Thrust Co-Leader

Sadvikas Addamane
Aiping Chen
Tom Harris
Shizeng Lin
Tzu-Ming Lu
Andy Mounce
John Nogan
Jian-Xin Zhu

CINT Technical Specialists

As technical subject matter experts and instrument operators, our technical specialists work with users and staff to conduct research.

In-Situ Characterization
and Nanomechanics

Nanophotonics and Optical

Soft, Biological, and Composite Nanomaterials

Quantum Materials

Kevin Garber
Doug Pete
Chris Sheehan
Darrick Williams
Eric Bowes Ben Klitsner
Monica Manginell
Winson Kuo

Terry Hargett
Tony James
Willard Ross
Denise Webb
Michael DeLaGarza 
Sundar Kunwar

CINT Affiliate Scientists

These scientists contribute their expertise and capabilities to the CINT community via collaborations with CINT scientists and users.

Distinguished Affiliates

In-Situ Characterization
and Nanomechanics

Nanophotonics and Optical

Soft, Biological, and
Composite Nanomaterials

Quantum Materials

Barry Carter
Rajiv Kalia (USC)
Antoinette Taylor (LANL)
Ben Derby
Dan Hooks
Paul Kotula
Ping Lu
Matt Schneider


Abul Azad
Weng Chow
Chloe Doiron
Prasad Iyer
Prashant Padmanabhan
Andrei Piryatinski

Bryan Kaehr
Jennifer Martinez
Susan Rempe
Duncan Ryan

Edward Bielejec
Ezra Bussmann
Matt Eichenfield
Wei Pan
Priscila Rosa
Michael Titze

CINT User Executive Committee

Membership in the CINT Users Association (CINT-UA) is open to all those who are named as an investigator or collaborator on an approved CINT User Proposal in the current calendar year or in either of the two preceding calendar years.

The User Executive Committee (UEC) provides a voice for the CINT user community and an organized framework for communicating with CINT management and other DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers. The UEC advises the CINT management team on matters of concern to Users. The UEC is led by a Chair and Vice-Chair who are elected from within the UEC according to the Bylaws.

CINT-UA Charter
You can download and review the CINT-UA Charter/Bylaws. Comments or questions regarding the Charter/Bylaws may be directed to the UEC Chair or to the CINT User Program Manager.



Prof. Siddhartha (Sid) Pathak
Users Assn. Chair
Iowa State University

Prof. Plamen Atanassov
University of California, Irvine

Prof. Tito Busani
University of New Mexico


Shalini Tripathi
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Dr. Steven Hayden
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Prof. Don Lucca
Oklahoma State University

Alan Van Orden
Colorado State University



CINT Operations Support and Administration

Core Facility

Tanya Chavez
User Program Coordinator

Gateway Facility

Linda Chavez
User Program Coordinator

 Core Facility

Ana Lopez-Herrera
Receptionist/User Training

 Gateway Facility

Agnieszka Cruz
Professional Staff Assistant
Angela Martinez
Administrative Assistant
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