Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies

Helping you understand, create, and characterize nanomaterials

The CINT 2025 Spring Call for User Proposals is open March 1 through March 31!

CINT offers no-cost access to exceptional scientific expertise and world-class capabilities at two National Laboratories and multiple co-located facilities including:

The CINT User Community is an incredibly diverse and extensive global scientific community dedicated to understanding, characterizing, synthesizing, fabricating, and scaling nanostructured materials in the microscopic and macroscopic worlds. For more info on submitting a proposal, please visit

Who can be a CINT User?

CINT expertise is available in these scientific thrust areas: In-situ Characterization and Nano-mechanics; Nanophotonics and Optical Nanomaterials; Soft, Biological and Composite Nanomaterials; Quantum Materials Systems

Individuals and teams from industry, academia, and government institutions are invited to submit proposals to conduct research at CINT. Foreign national users can work at CINT if their visit is planned with sufficient leadtime.

What is available?


CINT offers world-leading capabilities to create, characterize, and understand nanoscale materials in complex integrated environments. This comprehensive suite of capabilities includes the technical expertise, instrumentation, and software necessary to address important nanoscience integration problems and obtain high-impact research results. Prospective users should visit the capabilities pages for a brief description of our capabilities in Synthesis & Fabrication, Characterization, and Theory & Simulation. For a list of capabilities at all of the NSRCs, please visit the NSRC Portal.

How to apply

Access to capabilities at the CINT Core and Gateway Facilities is obtained by submitting a CINT user proposal. This is a concise statement of the research you propose to perform at CINT. Visit our step-by-step guide (pptx) to prepare a CINT user proposal.

Proposal Template:

Submissions are required to use our proposal template (docx). Proposals submitted that do not follow the approved template will not be considered for review. CINT user proposals are evaluated by external reviewers based on six specific proposal elements (outlined below). Proposals lacking any of that information will be at a competitive disadvantage for access to CINT.

Proposal selection

Proposals will be internally screened for safety/feasibility and prioritized by an external review panel based upon scientific merit and suitability for CINT. Approved proposals will have an 18-month duration. An executed user agreement between CINT and the user institution(s) must be in place prior to starting the approved project. For no-fee access, the project results must be published in peer-reviewed technical publications in order to comply with federal requirements.

Leveraged capabilities

In addition to CINT capabilities, prospective users may also request access to a variety of world-class leveraged capabilities hosted at Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories. These capabilities include selected ion beam assisted synthesis and characterization techniques, modeling and simulation tools using high performance computing, and joint proposals with the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Pulsed Field Facility.


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