The Scios 2 LoVac dual-beam focused ion beam (FIB) scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a versatile tool for high-resolution imaging, 2D & 3D analysis, and high-quality sample preparation. A variety of conductive and non-conductive samples can be examined with the electron beam in high/low vacuum environments.
Capabilities include:
- Electron optical column optimized for resolution and beam stability.
- Carbon and platinum e-beam and I-beam deposition.
- Gallium ion beam milling.
- Gas Chemistry technology for enhanced milling rates including Thermo Fisher Scientific proprietary gases, such as Selective Carbon Mill.
- Beam deceleration – +50 eV to -50 eV landing energy.
- Raith ELPHY MultiBeam e-beam nano-lithography and nano-fabrication.
- TFS Pathfinder UltraDry 100M EDS.
- Maps 3 software – automated acquisition of image mosaics
- Auto Slice and View 4 – automated serial sectioning and imaging
Technical Specifications:
- Electron beam accelerating voltage = 200 V to 30 kV.
- E-beam current = 1 pA to 400 nA.
- Ion beam accelerating voltage = 500 v to 30 kV.
- I-beam current = 1.5 pA to 65 nA.
- SEM resolution (30 kV) = 0.7 nm.
- SEM resolution (1 kV) = 1.4 nm (1.2 with beam deceleration).
- Everhart-Thornley (EHT) secondary electron detector.
- T1 segmented lower in-lens detector.
- T2 upper in-lens detector.
- Ion-conversion and electron (ICE) detector).
- Retractable directional back-scattered (DBS) detector – including concentric (CBS) and angular sectors (ABS) modes.
Contact: Darrick Williams