Use assembling techniques such as dielectrophoresis and nanomanipulation to position individual nanowires or tubes on Transport Discovery Platforms, which permit temperature-dependent measurements of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and Seebeck coefficient.
For thin-film thermal property measurements, we built a time-domain thermoreflectance pump-probe system capable of measuring thermal transport in thin films ~10 nm thick, from room temperature to 10 K.
Capabilities include:
- A Janis (sample in vapor) dry cryostat with a temperature range of 1.5 K–450 K with a 7 T magnet.
- An Oxford Ice (sample in vacuum) 1 K wet LHe system, 5 T magnet, and both DC and microwave (5 GHz bandwidth) electrical lines.
- Three Gifford-McMahon (sample in vacuum) dry cryostats with DC and high-frequency lines (~100 MHz bandwidth).
- A Montana Instruments vibration isolated cryostat that operates from 3 K–350 K, with a magneto-optical attachment for temperature controlled magnetic field experiments with a maximum field of 0.7 T.
- A variety of 4 K dippers with high frequency lines (~1 GHz bandwidth), 1.5 T magnets, and DC electrical connections.
- An Instec flow cryostat with optical access and a temperature range of 77 K–600 K.
- A Janis ST-100 LHe flow cryostat with a temperature range of 2 K–400 K.
- A desert cryogenics probe station with a temperature range of 10 K–300 K.
Contact: Tom Harris