Synthesize high-quality, single-crystalline semiconductor nanowires for a range of compositions using a solution-phase catalyzed growth process known as solution-liquid-solid (SLS) growth. Modify this technique to grow complex nanowire heterostructures in flow.
Use colloidal synthesis methods, in particular solution-phase catalyzed growth processes, to synthesize high-quality, single-crystalline semiconductor nanowires for a range of compositions, including II-VI, III-V, IV-VI, III2VI3 and I-III-VI2 systems.
Capabilities include:
The dynamic nature of the synthesis (in contrast with conventional flask-based synthesis) affords greater control over growth, new opportunities to study growth mechanisms, and, significantly, the ability to fabricate complex axial heterostructures.
Jennifer Hollingsworth
Eric Bowes
Research Highlights:
Layer-by-Layer Fabrication of Nanowire Sensitized Solar Cells: Geometry-Independent Integration
Acharya, K. P; Ji, Z.; Holesinger, T. G.; Crisp, J. A.; Ivanov, S. A.; Sykora, M.; Hollingsworth, J. A. Advanced Functional Materials 2014, 24, 6843-6852.
Solution-Liquid-Solid Growth of Ternary Cu-In-Se Semiconductor Nanowires from Multiple- and Single-Source Precursors
Wooten, A.; Werder, D.; Williams, D.; Casson, J.; Hollingsworth, J. A. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131, 16177-16188. doi/10.1021/ja905730n
Flow-based solution–liquid–solid nanowire synthesis
Laocharoensuk, R.; Palaniappan, K.; Smith, N. A.; Dickerson, R. M.; D. Werder, Baldwin, J. K.; Hollingsworth, J. A. Nature Nanotechnology 2013, 8 660-666.