The Deep Ultraviolet (DUV) Raman and Photoluminescence laboratory is comprised of an advanced deep ultraviolet confocal Raman and photoluminescence imaging and micro-spectroscopy system (244, 488, 532, and 633 nm excitation) including a suite of precision electronics and polarization optics, and a variable temperature cryostat (2.7–500 K) for complex in situ characterization of materials emitting in the 200-1100 nm spectral window. A FEI- and confocal Raman-compatible 9-pin heating/electrical biasing transmission electron microscopy sample holder in the allows for in situ TEM correlation of atomic-structure at with optical properties.
Capabilities include:
- Fully Automated UV to Near-IR Confocal Raman, Fluorescence, and Photoluminescence Imaging and Micro-Spectroscopy.
- Horiba LabRAM HR UV-VIS-NIR Evolution Raman System with 244 nm and 488 nm (25 mW @ 244,
350 mW @ 488, Lexel Quantum 8 SHG Deep UV CW), 532 nm (100 mW, Oxxius LCX CW DPSS), and 633 nm
(17 mW, Melles Griot CW HeNe) excitation lasers.
- Edge filter kits.
Photoluminescence filter kits
- UV-vis linear and circular polarizers and analyzers.
- Visible high dynamic range polarimeter
- Volumetric Bragg grating kits for sub-5–10 cm-1 Raman shift at 488 nm, 532 nm and 633 nm excitation.
- Air-cooled (-75°C) front illuminated open electrode 1024×256 pixel CCD detector for 200–1100 nm detection at up to 1 MHz scan rate.
- Motorized polarization kit and analyzer module.
- Heavy duty xyz motorized stage with 10 nm step size and adapters for mounting optical cryostat and FEI-based TEM holders in vacuum underneath the microscope objective.
- SWIFT FAST and DUOSCAN imaging modules.
- Mobile rack-mounted electronics suite for electrical measurements with in situ TEM and confocal optical systems:
- (3) Keithley 6221 AC+DC high precision current sources.
- (3) Keithley 2182A nano voltmeters.
- (1) Keithley 6517B electrometer.
- (1) DL Instruments 1201 ultra-high impedance voltage preamplifier.
- Oxford Instruments MicrostatHiRes variable temperature optical cryostat system (2.7–500 K) with 14 electrical feedthroughs to sample and DUV-compatible optical windows.
- Hummingbird 9-pin heating/electrical biasing in situ transmission electron microscopy sample holder for FEI microscopes with Super Twin pole pieces.
- Thin film heating controller.
- High vacuum pumping seal check station.
- Direct chip contact MEMS heating and biasing chips.
- Maximum temperature ≥ 1000°C with little-to-no carbon production.
- Fully shielded leads for low noise/AC applications.
Contact: Michael Pettes