Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies

Helping you understand, create, and characterize nanomaterials

Tecnai G2 F30 S-TWIN Microscope

A multi-purpose, multi-user tool with TEM, EFTEM & STEM operating modes

The Tecnai G2 F30 S-TWIN microscope is a versatile, general use microscope designed for high-resolution TEM and STEM characterization and equipped with multiple chemical analysis systems.

Capabilities include:

General Specifications:


Sample Holders:

Stephen House
Winson Kuo

Research Highlight:
Phase evolution and structural modulation during in situ lithiation of MoS2, WS2 and graphite in TEM
Ghosh, C.; Singh, M. K.; Parida, S.; Janish, M. T.; Dobley, A.; Dongare, A. M.; Carter, C. B. Scientific Reports 2021, 11 (1).
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