A state-of-the-art image-corrected monochromated Titan Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope (ETEM) enables the study of materials dynamics and reactions in gaseous environments with high spatial (sub-Å) and temporal (ms) resolutions. Precision-controlled gas mixtures or controlled-humidity vapors can be introduced directly to the sample using a custom gas-delivery system. The microscope is compatible with a wide variety of sample holders for applying various stimuli (thermal, electrical, mechanical, etc) for recreating relevant reaction conditions in-situ, with or without gas/vapor. A recently installed BioContinuum HD/K3 Electron Energy-Loss Spectrometer (EELS) combines high-speed STEM chemical mapping and EFTEM imaging with advanced filtering capabilities to improve signal-to-noise of imaging and diffraction.
Capabilities include:
- 80 kv and 300 kV TEM and STEM imaging and diffraction.
- High-speed K3-IS direct electron detection camera provides single-electron sensitivity for up to millisecond imaging, low-dose imaging of beam sensitive samples, and 4D-STEM characterization.
- High-speed K3-IS offers high-speed imaging or low-dose imaging (up to >3500 frames-per-second, down to single-electron sensitivity in counting mode).
- Lorentz lens for field-free imaging of the magnetic structure of materials.
- Compatible with a wide variety of holders available to users (listed below) for in-situ application of heating, electrical biasing, mechanical testing, liquid flow, electrochemistry, and ion intercalation, as well as holders for air-free and cryogenic transfer of sensitive samples.
- Theiascope for live application of AI/Machine Learning models.
- Protochips AXON for live drift- and focus-correction.
- Custom patterned apertures for 4DSTEM from Molecular Foundry.
- Multiple Sample Holders (FEI, Fischione, Gatan, Protochips, Hysitron, NanoFactory, Hummingbird)
- Multiple detectors:
- TEM/Diffraction/Movies — FEI Ceta 4k × 4k CMOS, up to 25 fps
- STEM — High-angle annular dark-field (HAADF), BF and DF detectors, Gatan 807 BF/DF detectors for use with EELS
- High-speed video, low-dose imaging, 4D-STEM, EFTEM — Gatan K3-IS direct electron detector, 5760 × 4902 px, 150 fps (full field of view) up to >3500 fps (256 × 256)
- EELS — Gatan BioContinuum HD – K3
- Accelerating Voltage — 80, 300 kV
- TEM Information Limit — 70 pm @ 300 kV
- TEM Point Resolution — 70 pm @ 300 kV
- STEM Point Resolution — 1.4 Å @ 300 kV
- Spherical Aberration (Cs) — <1 μm (TEM), 1.2 mm (STEM)
- EELS Energy Resolution — 0.7 eV, 0.15 eV (monochromated)
Attached gases:
- Oxidizers: O2, N2O, Ultra zero air
- Flammables: H2, CO, CH4
- Inerts: N2, CO2, He, Ar
- Vapor: H2O, dilute alcohols
In-Situ holders:
- Protochips Fusion – Heating and/or biasing
- Gatan 652.IN – Furnace-style heating
- Bruker Hysitron PI-95 Picoindentor – Quantitative nanomechanics (tension, compression, high-cycle fatigue, 2D tribology, heating, biasing)
- Gatan 654 – Qualitative straining
- Nanofactory STM – Nanomanipulation & biasing
- Nanofactory 16-pin Biasing – Compatible with electrochemical discovery platform
- Hummingbird 1400 – Liquid flow
- Gatan 648 – Air-free Transfer
- Various Gatan Cryo-transfer holders (626, 698, 915)
Contact: Stephen House
Research Highlight:
A single-pt-atom-on-ru-nanoparticle electrocatalyst for co-resilient methanol oxidation.
Poerwoprajitno, A. R.; Gloag, L.; Watt, J.; Cheong, S.; Tan, X.; Lei, H.; Tahini, H. A.; Henson, A.; Subhash, B.; Bedford, N. M.; Miller, B. K.; O’Mara, P. B.; Benedetti, T. M.; Huber, D. L.; Zhang, W.; Smith, S. C.; Gooding, J. J.; Schuhmann, W.; Tilley, R. D. Nature Catalysis 2022, 5 (3), 231–237. doi.org/10.1038/s41929-022-00756-9